
The Economy
The greatest open resource economic textbook. Online and free. Burgernomics likens this to the holy grail of knowledge.

 The Conversation
Business & Economics Section
The smartest economic academics cover current events in a style everyone can understand. The Conversation could be your only source of news and you will be the smartest person in the room!

The Economist Magazine.
Economics A - Z Terminology
Covers just about every economic term the media baffles you with. Even if you don’t know some of the economists they refer to you’ll understand their basic explanations.

Yale University - Prof. Robert Shiller.
Free Online Financial Markets Course 
Professor Robert Shiller is considered the worlds glamour economist. Just about anyone would crawl over broken glass to attend his lectures. When Professor Shiller speaks everyone listens. This is an online course, no experience needed. You will be able to predict global financial markets making you the envy of any trained economist.

Hagerty Classic Car Index
Having listened to the Burgernomics Podcast, you will have mastered economics, finance and politics. You are on the way to undreamed of wealth....and of course you’ll need to know the market for cars hardly anyone can afford. Just select your favourite category of car and dream away.

Trading Economics
When you wish to know the economic stats, for just about everything, everywhere, Trading Economics is a great place to start the journey.